NTX Go Workouts
NTX Go // Thursday 05-30
0:00 – 3:00
25 Strict Press
25 Push Press
25 Push Jerks
3:00 – 6:00
50 Power Snatches
6:00 – 9:00
25 Overhead Squats
25 Front Squats
NTX Go // Wednesday 05-29
7 x 2 Min Rounds
10 Jumping Squats
20 High Knees
Max Sit-Ups
NTX Go // Tuesday 05-28
3 Rounds
1:00 Bicep Curls
1:00 Bent Over Rows
1:00 Reverse Plank
1:00 Glute Bridge March
NTX Go // Monday 05-27
12 Minute EMOM
1: 30 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
2: 30 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
3: 40 Mountain Climbers
4: 40 Mountain Climbers
5: Max Push-Ups
6: Rest
NTX Go // Warm-Up 5.2
3 Times Through The Following
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Scorpions with Back on Ground
10 Scorpions with Chest on Ground
10 Downward Dog to Upward Dog
5 Slow, Controlled Air Squats
NTX Go // Saturday 05-25
Cycle Through for 20 Minutes
40 Jumping Jacks
20 Jumping Lunges
40 Step-Ups
20 Sit-Ups
40 Mountain Climbers
20 Bicycle Crunches
NTX Go // Warm-Up 5.2
30 Seconds of Each Movement
Jumping Jacks
Downward Dog
Lizard Lunge Right
Lizard Lunge Left
Downward Dog
Pigeon Pose Right
Pigeon Pose Left
Jumping Jacks
NTX Go // Warm-Up 5.1
2 Times Through The Following
:30 Jumping Jacks
:30 Dynamic Lunges
:30 Butt Kickers
:30 Downward Dog to Upward Dog
1:00 Rest