NTX Go Workouts
NTX Go // Tuesday 10-01
3 Rounds
1:00 Bicep Curls
1:00 Bent Over Rows
1:00 Reverse Plank
1:00 Glute Bridge March
NTX Go // Monday 09-30
Every Minute for 12 Rounds/Min
1: 30 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
2: 30 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
3: 40 Mountain Climbers
4: 40 Mountain Climbers
5: Max Push-Ups
6: Rest
NTX Go // Sunday 09-29
1:00 Couch Stretch Left
1:00 Couch Stretch Right
1:00 Wide Leg Split
1:00 Lizard Lunge Left
1:00 Lizard Lunge Right
1:00 Twisted Cross Left
1:00 Twisted Cross Right
NTX Go // Saturday 09-28
Cycle Through for 18:00
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Thrusters
10 Push-Ups
10 Burpees
12/12/12/12, 14/14/14/14, keep adding 2 reps each round until 18 minute mark.
NTX Go // Friday 09-27
Triple Tabata Core
Tabata Dead Bugs
Rest 1 Minute
Tabata Flutter Kicks
Rest 1 Minute
Tabata Side Plank
NTX Go // Thursday 09-26
Every 3 Minutes for 5 Rounds
10 Broomstick Good Mornings
20 Broomstick Back Squats
30 Broomstick Forward Lunges
NTX Go // Wednesday 09-25
4 Times Through the Following
1:00 Seated Reverse Flys
1:00 Kneeling Bent Over Rows
1:00 Reverse Plank
NTX Go // Tuesday 09-24
5 Times Through the Following
0:30 Power Snatches
0:30 Overhead Squats to Target
1:00 Hollow Rocks
1:00 Rest