2 Rounds of 30 – 60 Second Holds:
Pigeon Left / Right
Twisted Cross Left / Right
Calf Stretch Left / Right
Double Hamstring Stretch
2 Rounds of 30 – 60 Second Holds:
Pigeon Left / Right
Twisted Cross Left / Right
Calf Stretch Left / Right
Double Hamstring Stretch
1 Minute On, 1 Minute Off for 8 rounds (16 minutes)
Minute 1: 20 Mountain Climbers then hold High Plank the remainder of the minute.
Minute 2: Rest
Minute 3: 20 Jumping Jacks then hold High Plank the remainder of the minute
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5: 20 Jumping Lunges then hold High Plank the remainder of the minute
Minute 6: Rest
Minute 7: 10 Burpees then hold high plank the remainder of the minute
Minute 8: Rest
Repeat 1 more time through
Glute Bridge March
10 Birddogs / Side
10 Fire Hydrants / Side
10 Glute Pulses / Side
10 Good Mornings
16 Minutes AMRAP
30 Alternating High Knees
30 Alternating Step Ups
10 Side Plank Hip Raises Left
10 Side Plank Hip Raises Right
5 rounds on a 2 minute clock
25 Jumping Jacks
15 No Push-up Burpees
Hold each position for 5 seconds. 3 times through this circuit:
Downward Dog
Right Side Lizard Pose
Downward Dog
Left Side Lizard Pose
Downward Dog
Right Side Pigeon Pose
Downward Dog
Left Side Pigeon Pose