Weekly Challenge

Find Your Calm – Weekly Challenge 004

Find Your Calm – Weekly Challenge 004

Meditation tons of proven health benefits, like reducing the stress hormone cortisol, improving focus, and helping to reduce blood pressure. This week’s challenge is about getting your calm on.

Tools for Journaling – Weekly Challenge 006

Tools for Journaling – Weekly Challenge 006

Journaling is a great way to capture out thoughts of the moment and document our journey. This week’s challenge focuses on the capturing of our thoughts so we can reflect on our past and better plan for our future.

Declutter Your Space – Weekly Challenge 005

Declutter Your Space – Weekly Challenge 005

Even if your home doesn’t look like an episode of Hoarders, you probably have some tidying to do. This week’s challenge is all about decluttering your environment.

NTX Journal

We believe everyone should have the tools and knowledge for living at their best. Our blog provides insight and tips relating to our five coaching domains: Fitness, Nutrition, Recovery, Mindfulness, and Play.