NTX Members

NTX Go // Wednesday 04-17

NTX Go // Wednesday 04-17

2 Rounds – :30 On / :30 Off
Bent Over Rows
Bicep Curls
High Pulls
Reverse Flys
Reverse Plank

NTX Go // Tuesday 04-16

NTX Go // Tuesday 04-16

15 Min EMOM
Min 1: 10 to 20 Push-Ups
Min 2: 10 to 20 Couch Dips
Min 3: 45 Sec Plank Hold
Min 4: 45 Sec Burpees
Min 5: Rest

NTX Go // Monday 04-15

NTX Go // Monday 04-15

Triple Tabata
Tabata Squats
1 Min Rest
Tabata Plank
1 Min Rest
Tabata Flutter Kicks

NTX Go // Sunday 04-14

NTX Go // Sunday 04-14

3 Rounds of Mobility
1 Min Couch Stretch Left / Right
30 Sec Tricep Stretch Left / Right
30 Sec Pigeon Pose Left / Right

NTX Go // Saturday 04-13

NTX Go // Saturday 04-13

Cycle Through for 20 Minutes
10 Dips
20 Burpees
30 Sit-Ups
40 Jumping Jacks
50 Mountain Climbers

NTX Go // Friday 04-12

NTX Go // Friday 04-12

5 Rounds, Every Minute
Min 1: 15 Hip Thrusts
Min 2: 15 Jump Squats
Min 3: 20 Step-Ups

NTX Journal

We believe everyone should have the tools and knowledge for living at their best. Our blog provides insight and tips relating to our five coaching domains: Fitness, Nutrition, Recovery, Mindfulness, and Play.