NTX Members

NTX Go // Saturday 03-30

NTX Go // Saturday 03-30

Every Minute for 4 Rounds

Min 1: Plank
Min 2. Wall Sit
Min 3. Hollow Hold
Min 4. Side Plank Right
Min 5. Side Plank Left

NTX Go // Sunday 03-31

NTX Go // Sunday 03-31

2 Rounds of 30-60 Second Holds

Couch Stretch Left
Couch Stretch Right
Tricep Stretch Left
Tricep Stretch Right
Downward Dog
Child’s Pose

NTX Go // Wednesday 03-27

NTX Go // Wednesday 03-27

EMOM 15 Minutes

Min 1: 45 sec jumping jacks
Min 2: 10 push-ups
Min 3: 10 tricep dips
Min 4: 30 sec mountain climbers
Min 5: Rest

NTX Go // Tuesday 03-26

NTX Go // Tuesday 03-26

AMRAP 10 Min

20 Step Back Lunges
15 Side Plank Hip Raises Left/Right
10 Burpees

NTX Journal

We believe everyone should have the tools and knowledge for living at their best. Our blog provides insight and tips relating to our five coaching domains: Fitness, Nutrition, Recovery, Mindfulness, and Play.