Even if your home doesn’t look like an episode of Hoarders, you probably have some tidying to do. This week’s challenge is all about decluttering your environment.
The Absent Weekly Review – The Crack That Progress Slips Through
I consume a lot: books, magazines, audiobooks, blogs, podcasts, tweets, grams. But I lack a review system to put what I read into action. Consume less, review more.
Introducing Weekly Challenges. Here’s the First One.
Introducing Weekly Challenges – something to try out and expand your boundaries. This week: create something new.
Delete Your Time Killer App – Weekly Challenge 002
This week’s challenge: assess your phone use and delete your biggest time-sucking app.
Overhaul Paralysis: Why Making Big Changes Are So Difficult
Big changes start with small actions. What’s the one smallest action you can take today towards being your best self?
There’s No Failing At Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation is just like training any other part of your body – things happen, you might fall off the wagon, but it’s never too late to get back on and embrace the process.