NTX Members

NTX Go // Sunday 03-17

NTX Go // Sunday 03-17

2 Rounds:
Pigeon Left
Pigeon Right
Couch Stretch Left
Couch Stretch Right
Twisted Cross Left
Twisted Cross Right

NTX Go // Friday 03-15

NTX Go // Friday 03-15


Even Minutes: 5 Burpees and then as many V-Ups as possible for the remainder of the minute.

Odd Minutes: 5 Burpees and then as my Air Squats as possible for the remainder of the minute.

NTX Go // Saturday 03-16

NTX Go // Saturday 03-16

5 Rounds of:

1 Minute Glute Bridge March
30 Second Hollow Hold
30 Second Plank Hold
30 Seconds Double Tap Jumps

Rest 1 Minute

NTX Go // Thursday 03-14

NTX Go // Thursday 03-14

18 Minute EMOM (45 seconds on, 15 seconds off). 3 times through the following:

Wall Sit
High Knees
Jumping Lunges
Side Hip Raises Left
Side Hip Raises Right

NTX Go // Tuesday 3-12

NTX Go // Tuesday 3-12

Alternating Tabata

6 Rounds
20 seconds of Jumping Jacks
10 Seconds Rest
20 Seconds Sit-Ups
10 Seconds Rest
20 Seconds Flutter Kicks
10 Seconds Rest

NTX Journal

We believe everyone should have the tools and knowledge for living at their best. Our blog provides insight and tips relating to our five coaching domains: Fitness, Nutrition, Recovery, Mindfulness, and Play.