5 Rounds
In 2:00:
15 Good Mornings
20 High Pulls
25 T-Shirt Curls
1:00 Rest
5 Rounds
In 2:00:
15 Good Mornings
20 High Pulls
25 T-Shirt Curls
1:00 Rest
1:00 Elbow to Ankle Lunges
1:00 Scorpions Facing Up
1:00 Scorpions Facing Down
1:00 Walk Outs
0:30 Butt kickers
0:30 Toy Soldiers
Alternating Double Tabata
Jumping Lunges
Single Leg V-Ups
Immediately Into
4:00 Cycle
10 Air Squats
10 Sit-Ups
10 Supermans
Cycle Through for 18:00
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Thrusters
10 Push-Ups
10 Burpees
12/12/12/12, 14/14/14/14, keep adding 2 reps each round until 18 minute mark.
Super Plank
5 Minute Plank*
3 Minute Rest
5 Minutes Dead Bugs and Bird Dogs (Alternating every 30 seconds)
*Can rotate between any type of plank. Every break is an immediate 10 sit-up penalty then back to planking.
0:00 – 3:00
25 Strict Press
25 Push Press
25 Push Jerks
3:00 – 6:00
50 Power Snatches
6:00 – 9:00
25 Overhead Squats
25 Front Squats